Committee Sign-Up

We have awesome committees. Ready to pledge to awesomeness?

BeltLine Rail Now is committed to being the best possible stewards of ALL resources. That pledge extends most especially to the donated time of our volunteers. We ask committee members to pledge to the same standard before signing up for committee work, to maximize the impact of committee work, and to make the best use of the time of all our advocates. Please consider the following as you register for committee involvement.

  • I will cultivate respect within the committee by working collaboratively and constructively at all times.

  • I will promote engagement by notifying my committee chair when I plan to be absent from a meeting.

  • I will foster accountability by fully completing tasks I have accepted, and reporting to the chair in the event that I am unable to meet a deadline on a task or action.

  • I will embody awesomeness by serving with compassion, tolerance, and civility.