BeltLine Rail Now!

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Friday: Speak up for BeltLine Rail

We need your voices this Friday

Last fall, your voices convinced the MARTA board that rail transit on the BeltLine is imperative to keep Atlanta moving. Now we need you to speak out once again. Neither MARTA nor the city has asked the Atlanta Regional Commission to include BeltLine Rail in their long-range plan. If the BeltLine is not in the ARC plan it can’t qualify for Federal matching dollars and thus won’t be completed for decades.

Every four years, the Atlanta Regional Commission puts together a long-range plan that includes the Atlanta-area “wish list” of transportation projects they want the federal government to help fund. The next ARC plan is under final discussion NOW. The ARC list includes only bits and pieces of the BeltLine loop—after including ALL of it in previous versions.

They’re taking away transit from the 45 neighborhoods it would connect.

We need you to meet us at Peachtree Center on Friday morning, where the Commission’s Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) meets at 9:30, and sign up for the public comment period and let them know you want BeltLine Rail Now Back in The Plan!