BeltLine Rail Now!

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You Don't Need a Map for a Sprint


BRN was founded in 2018 in response to concerns that the rail component of the BeltLine was slowly evaporating in the political morass of the times. BeltLine visionary Ryan Gravel and former City Council president Cathy Woolard came together and said that if light rail were ever to be built, Atlantans would have to fight for it. And so the fight began. 

BRN was envisioned as a simple task force, a short-lived attempt at course correction. This passionate coalition of advocates would be easily mothballed once construction of rail finally got under way. Effective protesting and letter writing were among topics discussed. Organizational viability was not a concern.  

Three years later, zero miles of rail have been built. The first sign of progress -- the two-mile long streetcar east extension -- is slated for completion in six long years. Within those six years, the displacement occurring on our city’s west and south side will have run its course, erasing legacy residents and laying waste to affordable housing. The rapid development that follows the BeltLine must be accompanied by transit that will provide alternatives to car-choked streets and help people afford to stay in their homes... NOW, not in 15 or 20 years.

For the initial volunteers who made up BeltLine Rail Now, what first appeared as a short-lived sprint became the first leg of a full marathon. To prepare for a protracted effort, BRN secured 501(c)(4) status (which allows BRN to get involved in public policy and politics more directly), and recently articulated our vision for the future:

BeltLine Rail Now envisions the BeltLine rail loop as a world-class transit solution, embracing Atlanta’s commitment to civil rights and delivering a connected new way of living for everyone.  

Between blog posts, public meetings, and white paper drafts, BRN recently crafted a comprehensive strategic plan to realize this vision. The plan outlines detailed goals and a committee structure to let volunteers work together with like-minded people. The committees are

  • Activation: mobilizing citizens in creative ways to amplify Atlanta’s demand for rail;   

  • Communications: digital and print media to inform, educate, and inspire;

  • Elections:  Ensuring BeltLine rail and the equity, environmental and transit concerns surrounding its delayed implementation play a crucial role in upcoming city elections. 

You can read more about the committees on this page of our website, and sign up to join the team that aligns with your skills and interests.

We’ll share more of the plan in coming weeks, as we think you’ll be inspired to support the cause. We hope that you’ll help us win the race against Business As Usual when it comes to transit in Atlanta, and succeed in prompting faster construction of rail for a more equitable city.