BeltLine Rail Now!

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Let's Turn Up the Heat for Rail on the BeltLine


Image: Gerd Altman (Pixabay)

Back in 2018, Ryan Gravel and Cathy Woolard said that the people of Atlanta would need to fight if we wanted rail along the BeltLine to survive the political apathy of the time. Thanks to thousands of supporters pressing for the original BeltLine vision, BeltLine Rail Now has succeeded in elevating their voices. This Sunday at 2:00pm, we’ll kick off a host of strategies to turn up the heat even further.

Why? Because we’re in pursuit of something so much bigger than a 22-mile light rail transit loop connected to MARTA at four points.

BeltLine Rail Now believes that light rail on the BeltLine is a powerful instrument of change for Atlanta, and a crucial step toward addressing the inequities of our past. We know that when individuals understand the value and impact of light rail in Atlanta, they will join us in urgently demanding its construction.

We believe accommodating a doubling of the city’s population in the next generation can reduce our carbon footprint while creating more economic opportunities for all.

BeltLine Rail Now believes vocal advocacy and increased public awareness will advance our mission, and we will advocate loudly for accountability, thorough analyses, and equitable decision making by the agencies involved in the construction of light rail on the BeltLine.

Are you in?

Are you tired of:

  • public policy that prioritizes cars above people?

  • Atlanta’s Southside being treated like a transit afterthought?

  • seeing multi-million dollar developer giveaways?

  • streets that are too dangerous for cyclists or pedestrians?

  • Atlanta’s notorious congestion?

  • Atlanta City Council and the mayor failing to optimize affordable housing opportunities as the BeltLine gets developed?

We can fix these problems - and the solution starts at the ballot box. And BeltLine Rail Now is committed to shining a bright light on candidates, so Atlanta voters know exactly where candidates stand.

During the past three years, BeltLine Rail Now has urged the City of Atlanta, MARTA and Atlanta BeltLine Inc. to accelerate delivery of the project -- which is already TEN YEARS behind schedule. We’ve also insisted they optimize affordable housing and equitable economic development without sacrificing environmental protections. In this next chapter, we’ll mobilize like never before and amplify the voices of residents demanding a more equitable, accessible, and affordable city. We need your voice.

We all know that a world-class transit solution is going to take more than likes and shares. Atlanta needs vocal and activated advocates committed to the BeltLine vision, and BeltLine rail needs you now, more than ever. It's truly make or break time for this movement. Yes, it really is a movement -- because the fight is about so much more than a transit project.

The next chapter of BeltLine Rail Now starts this Sunday. YOU make it possible. Join us!

BeltLine Rail Now

P.S.: Unable to attend? Your financial contribution will help advance strategies to accelerate the construction of rail on the Beltline. Click here to make a secure donation to BeltLine Rail Now.