Take ARC’s Survey regarding Rail Transit
Let the Atlanta Regional Commission know you want better rail transit.
Atlanta and the surrounding region are growing fast! Transportation planning is one of the responsibilities of the Atlanta Regional Commission. The ARC estimates that approximately 2 million additional people will move into our city and the surrounding area by 2050. In order to prepare for this population increase, the ARC is updating the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, as it does every four years.
BeltLine Rail Now is committed to improving rail transit as a solution for the problems we currently face due to the limitations of our public transportation system. We know that with quality rail transit, not only can we live in a place with less traffic and pollution, but, more importantly, we can also achieve the equity and opportunity that a great transit system can provide as our city nearly doubles in population in a generation.
Recognizing that the explosive growth we are forecast to experience makes the need for better transit, particularly fast frequent rail transit like BeltLine rail, all the more urgent, the ARC is surveying residents to assess transportation priorities.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and also asks important questions about solutions for problems such as climate change, crime, and affordable housing.
The survey will be up for a limited time. So please take it now and help us convey our priorities to the ARC. And please share it with your friends.
Click here for the survey.
Rose Scott recently interviewed ARC Executive Director Anna Roach about the purpose of the survey. Click here to listen to the interview.
“We want everybody, all spectrums, all ages, to tell us what their thoughts are about what the future of transportation in Metro Atlanta is going to be like. The thing is we are not asking people to think about transportation in the present. We are asking people to think about transportation in the future.”