Let’s Get Loud!
Last month the MARTA Board of Directors voted unanimously to move forward with the design of the Streetcar East Extension (SCE). With this vote, HDR, an internationally known design firm, has been engaged to take the design of the SCE from 30% to 70%.
Why is the Streetcar East Extension important?
The SCE is the essential first step in achieving the goals of the More MARTA plan.
The completion of the SCE will connect the Eastside Trail and its many opportunities for employment and recreation to the entire MARTA system, allowing car-free access.
Our current state of car dependency furthers the poor air quality we experience and continues our traffic and parking nightmares. We deserve better!
Affordable housing relies on good public transit. Car-free transportation means Atlantans can free up more income for housing and other basic needs. We need rail transit to further Mayor Dickens’s affordable housing initiatives.
We are happy to have reached this milestone. But during the upcoming design process, it’s essential that we stay engaged and seize opportunities to give input.
What could make the Streetcar East Extension better?
Improvements to the existing streetcar line as suggested in this letter that BeltLine Rail Now and the Georgia Sierra Club sent to Mayor Dickens and others.
Now is the time for supporters to get loud!
Now is the time for supporters to get loud! -----
Now is the time for supporters to get loud!
Please take a moment to let your elected officials, MARTA, and Atlanta Beltline, Inc. know that you stand with them in support of the equity and inclusion that only the connectivity of quality mass rail transit can bring. Also, let them know that you are in favor of grass tracks and smaller vehicles for the extension and of making needed fixes to the current streetcar for a seamless connection to the SCE.
Please take a minute to send a brief email to the people listed below.
The Honorable Andre Dickens
Atlanta Mayor
Councilmember Amir Farokhi
Chair, Atlanta City Council Transportation Committee
Mr. Collie Greenwood
Mr. Clyde Higgs
CEO, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Image by IDOM
Stay tuned for more opportunities to be engaged!