“The People of This City Have Stepped Up”
Sec. Pete saw full alignment in support of beltline rail. Let’s show MARTA the same this Thursday.
Our highlight reel from the May 21 press conference with Pete Buttigieg, with a map of the BeltLine serving as the perfect backdrop (7 min long)
So many people lined up with US DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg last Friday for his visit to Atlanta, we assumed they were at The Slutty Vegan. Just as deliciously, the construction of BeltLine rail was on the menu at Friday’s press conference, and everyone showed up for a heaping helping. Secretary Pete brought news of the American Jobs Plan, and MARTA CEO Jeff Parker actively championed light rail on the BeltLine. Best. Day. Ever!
It’s clear from Secretary Pete’s visit that there’s total alignment on the concept of BeltLine rail. Now it’s a matter of timing. If our elected and appointed officials - and our residents - are serious about affordable housing, accessibility, and smarter climate policy, Atlanta needs rail on the BeltLine as soon as possible.
And so we ride the giddy wave of last week’s events directly into an opportunity for Atlantans to raise their voices in support of accelerated construction of BeltLine rail. This Thursday at 6:00pm, MARTA will host a virtual meeting to provide updates and receive input on the extension of the streetcar from Downtown to the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail. Join us as we advocate not just for streetcar improvements (check out last week’s blog) but also for faster construction. We want to arrive at a greener, more diverse, and more accessible Atlanta ASAP.
See you on the call on Thursday!