Who Took Our Grass?
Right now - today, in fact - public input is absolutely critical to the future of BeltLine rail. MARTA’s first Streetcar extension presentation attracted nearly 400 attendees on a Thursday night going into Memorial Day weekend. That’s a huge turnout, relative to prior calls. Those of us who were there were witnessing history: the dialogue about MARTA’s first build of light rail on the BeltLine began that night. We are finally nailing down the details that will allow shovels to hit the dirt.
Detail of a slide from MARTA’s May 27 Streetcar East Extension meeting. Without grass.
The details and the number of attendees matter - and so does the input that citizens give after the meeting. Here’s an example.
Renderings shown at that meeting suggest that MARTA has abandoned the BeltLine rail’s long-envisioned grass railbed, in favor of gravel for the BeltLine portion of the extension. Instead of a lush meadow that cradles a transit solution, we’re likely to get a rough and unwelcoming surface, hostile to pedestrians - especially those with disabilities.
It was easy to miss if you weren’t looking closely, and it wasn’t discussed by the presenters. And only vocal citizens like you will convince MARTA that it is important. Expressing the desire to preserve this essential, green, and unique BeltLine design detail is up to each of us. MARTA is now asking for feedback on the presentation and the project, and it’s time to make your voice heard.
BeltLine Rail Now respectfully offers to you this list of changes and improvements to inform your feedback to MARTA.
Accelerate the Build Timeline
MARTA says it will take SIX more years to design and build a little more than two miles of light rail. Other experts say it can be done in as few as three years. We concur and urge you to ask for a shorter construction timeline. 2027 is too late!
Fix the Existing Streetcar
Reduce transit times by getting the streetcar out of traffic.
Support lane closures to vehicles both on the original route and the extension where practical.
Increased frequency of service (every 10 minutes instead of every 15).
Install a new station at the corner of Luckie Street and Forsyth Street to connect Peachtree Center MARTA to eastbound riders.
Give the streetcar the right of way by installing priority signaling across the entire route (both existing and new).
Build a Better BeltLine Rail
Move stops closer to cross-streets (like Highland and Ralph McGill) so that it is easier for pedestrians and cyclists to connect.
Improve connectivity for cyclists and pedestrians at stations by installing amenities like secure bicycle lockers and Beltline-branded shelters and benches.
Preserve the green railbed or guideway wherever possible, promoting far less storm water runoff, superior air quality, and the beautiful greenway envisioned in every Beltline rendering ever created
It’s up to each of us as interested citizens to take a few minutes and weigh in. Now is one of the moments we have been waiting for, and now is the time to make our voices heard in large numbers about what MARTA said - AND also did not say.