NPUs Voice Support Again for BeltLine Rail
Dear BeltLine Rail Now Supporter,
I am excited to share the results of a months-long effort to gauge grassroots support for BeltLine rail almost 20 years after the city of Atlanta created the Atlanta BeltLine project. From the passage of the More MARTA referendum in 2016 to the spring of 2022, not a single segment of the transit had reached the final design. We wanted to see just how Atlantans who supported our 2018 petition feel 4 years later. The accompanying NPU Petition Report showcases that effort and the process of approaching 16 of Atlanta’s 25 NPUs to seek their renewed support.
During this 11-month effort, the Streetcar East Extension (SCE) with its 1.4 miles of BeltLine rail was advanced by MARTA as one of its Tier 1 projects. In July, the MARTA Board of Directors approved advancing it to final design. But even as these important milestones were achieved, a small but vocal and well organized coalition questioned both the validity of the project and its support.
The content of these petitions and letters demonstrates that the desire for rail on the BeltLine remains strong. I wish to thank all the volunteers, including all board members, who spent hours of their evenings attending meetings and following up with each supportive NPU for its signature and in most cases a letter of support. As you read the letters from 9 NPUs and 3 neighborhood associations, I think you will agree that across this city, thoughtful, intelligent citizens understand the promise of the project and want to hold their leaders and city accountable for delivering it.
Image: New Tramway in Luxembourg, Source, CAF
This week, we gave more than 30 print copies of this report to senior elected officials, staffers at the City, ABI, MARTA, and media professionals. This report cost money to produce and print. We are a small all-volunteer organization, and your donation of any size helps defray the cost of efforts like this and others we plan to take. Today we invite you to share the NPU Petition Report widely and to contact your elected officials and urge them to start the construction timeline for BeltLine rail now. You can also show your support by displaying our Anti-NIMBY Yard Sign. Click here to order yours today. BeltLine rail is the City’s plan for a green and equitable transit future that includes all of Atlanta and accommodates the tremendous growth headed to this city.
Matthew Rao, Chair
BeltLine Rail Now