Living in Inman Park Across the Street From the BeltLine

I live across the street from the BeltLine, and I support the completion of the Beltline as originally envisioned  - with light rail!

Valley Metro light rail in Mesa. Image credit: Phoenix New Times Staff

Both of my daughters live near the Beltline in other neighborhoods. At present, I can walk over to Reynoldstown to visit one. My other daughter lives in West End, also near the Beltline. Both daughters have friends who bike over from West End to Flat Shoals in Reynoldstown when the weather permits - to avoid the highway traffic. 

As I get older, I hope to be able to take the Beltline light rail to their houses and hope my grandchildren can take it to visit me. I would love to ride the light rail to the Botanical Garden from Inman Park! 

This past Sunday afternoon, I drove to Landmark Cinema off Monroe and was stuck in a terrible traffic jam. After a very frustrating wait, I saw no parking spaces, gave up, and came home without seeing the movie. Again, the light rail would have been great!

When my seventy-something cousin with bad knees came to visit, I took her to Ponce City Market; parking there is really a chore! The light rail would have been perfect. Another close relative who also lives on the Beltline can no longer drive for health reasons. The light rail would give him more independence: Restaurants, grocery stores, and movie theatres would be convenient. Light rail trains, boarding at grade, are very accessible. 

San Francisco Muni J Church. Image credit: Wikipedia (11/7/2023)

We all bought our homes near the Beltline with the expectation of light rail in the future. My oldest daughter lived in the Virginia Cotton Docks in 2006. When we visited, she showed us the old abandoned railway and explained the plan.

Many people here in Atlanta have lived in cities with excellent public transit and see its value. I have lived in San Francisco and Mexico City and used public transit exclusively when I lived there.  

Atlanta has this massive gift of Beltline real estate that simply doesn't exist in many other cities. I have observed the growth of Valley Metro Rail in Phoenix, Arizona, since its launch 15 years ago. Phoenix didn't have the Beltline-like real estate, and its Metro lines are along streets, but it is beautifully done and has been successful.

Arizona Valley Metro Rail. Image Credit: Christopher Barr for KINKISHARYO International, L.L.C.

Please reach out to Mayor Andre Dickens to voice your support for completing this project. The Atlanta BeltLine can be so much more. We need to get this project going!

The Streetcar East Extension will have 3 stops along the BeltLine Eastside Trail from Irwin St. to Ponce de Leon Ave. Image Credit: MARTA

Lynn Koehnemann is a professor, environmental planner, and technology entrepreneur. She is a native of the Southeastern US and has lived in Atlanta since 2011.

Show your support for BeltLine rail. Order your yard signs and shirts today!

YIMBY Yard Sign
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $17.00

2-sided weather-resistant yard sign. Union or locally produced & recyclable. Be sure to choose your best pickup location - Inman Park,  Reynoldstown, Virginia Highlands, Grant Park, West End or Westview. Please consider donating to help defray costs. Contact with any questions.


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