MARTA's Sketches for BeltLine Rail are Missing the Boat
Recently-unveiled preliminary plans for BeltLine transit are a stark departure from the images that made us all fall in love with with the BeltLine over the past 20 years. Why is MARTA showing us Beirut-style barricades and a gravel rail bed?? That can’t possibly be what MARTA is planning for the Atlanta BeltLine. Or is it?
“Transit Ties us Together, Makes Us More Resilient”
Guest blog by Jeremy Wilhelm. “After our first son was born, I would ride up with him to drop him off with Oma for daycare now and then. I’ll always remember fondly how much people enjoyed my infant and me commuting together.”
Who Took Our Grass?
The grass railbed envisioned in the original BeltLine plan has gone missing - and only you can bring it back! MARTA is asking for feedback on the Streetcar East Extension, and it’s time to make your voice heard. BeltLine Rail Now offers up a few key ideas to make sure this first step is rock-solid - and true to the original BeltLine vision.
“The People of This City Have Stepped Up”
It’s clear from Secretary Pete’s visit that there’s total alignment on the concept of BeltLine rail. Now it’s a matter of timing. If our elected and appointed officials - and our residents - are serious about affordable housing, accessibility, and smarter climate policy, Atlanta needs rail on the BeltLine as soon as possible.
Four Ways To Fix The Atlanta Streetcar Right Now
MARTA is getting ready to extend the Atlanta Streetcar to Ponce City Market, creating the first 1.4 miles of transit on the BeltLine loop. We're delighted - but before we make more, we need to make sure we have the recipe right. And we need your help.
Connectivity Can Save our City - If We Demand It
The Atlanta Beltline has become the single best symbol for Atlanta's raging inequality crisis. With Georgia’s new political representatives and a federal government ready to spend on infrastructure, Atlanta will never have a better shot at fixing the BeltLine - and the city itself.
The Tortoise and the Hare, v2
Good news! Atlanta BeltLine Inc. is giving the people what they want by expediting BeltLine trail construction. Sadly, it’s still unclear whether transit is up to the task. Atlanta BeltLine Inc. has picked up the pace. Now it's MARTA's turn.
Has ABI Learned from the Failings of the First Murphy Crossing RFP?
The first RFP for the redevelopment of Murphy Crossing in south Atlanta feel apart for reasons not entirely known. Those involved made it clear that more public input was needed. Will Atlanta BeltLine Inc heed their advice?
Advice for Atlanta’s Council and Mayoral Candidates
(Rail Writes Blog) Candidates running in Atlanta's city elections need to show voters they understand the far-reaching benefits of transit on the BeltLine - and that we're rapidly running out of time. Hopefully, you've got a plan to light a fire under MARTA. - Beth Smith
All Transit is Not Created Equal
Last week the ‘Atlanta BeltLine Light Rail’ was named by DOT Secretary Buttigieg as a project he’d like to see funded with federal dollars. But there is hand-wringing and doubt at MARTA as to whether light rail will work. Why are we still talking about this 20 years after the BeltLine vision captured the hearts and minds of our city?
A Welcome Letter to Our New Neighbors
Dear Microsfot, Airbnb, Amazon, and Googlers: Welcome to Atlanta! Really excited that you’ve chosen to bring your business and your employees here. Here’s a few things to help make the move easier. And yall are problem solvers by nature, so we have a favor to ask.
Our New Bestie: Secretary Pete
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is connecting the dots between transportation and social justice issues. Atlanta’s got the perfect project.
The BeltLine SSD Was a Foregone Conclusion. This Year’s City Elections Are Not.
It’s time to find, support, and elect leaders who know that transit doesn’t mean more sidewalk.
The ABCs of the SSD (Part 2 of 2)
Everyone knows you have to eat your vegetables before you get dessert. We explain why Atlanta needs more SALADs to improve upon the currently-proposed BeltLine Special Services District.
The ABCs of the SSD (Part 1 of 2)
SSDs, SADs, and SALADs... it’s easy to simply ‘tune out’ when the jargon starts. But these cryptic words explain the how Atlanta City Council will chart the future of the Atlanta BeltLine. So we thought it wise to explain them, and to explain how to make sure we get them right the first time.
Atlanta City Council: Are You Ready to Get on Board With BeltLine Rail?
Why doesn't rail on the BeltLine - a project Atlantans overwhelmingly support - enjoy greater support among city officials?
You Can’t Pave your Way to Affordability
On the face of it, the BeltLine Special Services District sounds promising: How can more of a good thing possibly be bad? Without rail in the BeltLine SSD, Atlanta will cement inequity into the city fabric.
The Fierce Urgency of Now
The clock is ticking. The opportunity to build rail on the BeltLine — and its myriad benefits — will disappear if we wait too long to build it. MARTA’s current timetable is too little, too late.
Affordable Housing and Transit Options: Two Sides, Same Coin
Building the BeltLine without the rail has accelerated rising rents and home prices around the heart of our city. Affordable housing is quickly disappearing. It’s late… but it’s not too late. It’s time to do damage control.
It's Time to Bake a Bigger Pie, MARTA
MARTA is struggling to divvy up the current funding pie, so we baked them a bigger pie. BeltLine Rail Now responds to MARTA’s incorrect assertions about our funding white paper.